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MasterPiece Systems Ltd is a software solutions company which specialises in demanding mobile applications which require integration with retail stores or a central office based operation. MasterPiece for floor coverings retail and contract is our flagship application.

MasterPiece gained its first customer in 1998 and has since become the market leader in the UK, with significant sales overseas. Our continuing attention to detail, listening to end user feedback and investment to keep in the forefront with new technology has earned the respect of our clients.

Applications of our software is ideal for measure, planning and estimation of any floor covering, for example carpet planning, carpet layout and carpet estimating (or carpet take-off). A Carpet cutting plan, for example, used on mas scale is crucial in reduction of time and cost – An area where MasterPiece excel.

Charles Pearson


Pat Powers

Marketing Manager (USA)

Andi Mould

Support Manager

Sarah Bloor

Training Manager

© MasterPiece Systems - Floor coverings Measuring, Planning & Estimating Software, 2024