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In Store Retail Sale

Saved estimates can be emailed to customer

On acceptance invoice and fitting sheets are created automatically

Tile product sets supported include:
Project Floors
& others

You can review the Floor Plan with the customer to confirm pile direction and seam positions

The fitter is given good guidance including net measurements

Fittings sheets are created automatically

Fitters knows who is responsible for doing what, as well as what the job entails

Flooring Estimating App for Windows, iOS (iPad & Mac) and Android

Base system

For up to 3 users, max 1 logged in at once

Price £39 per month
Support (and new versions as released) are included in the price

Enables the in-store user to
   – see and print off any job
   – start a new job, capturing contact details, room names and selected materials
   – generate and revise costings, with emailable estimates and invoices, based on measurements and plans created with the estimator’s login.

© MasterPiece Systems - Floor coverings Measuring, Planning & Estimating Software, 2024